In my previous post, I talked about Data Breach and how to check if you are a part of any. (Check here) Each day users create different types of accounts. Over the past years, I have used many services. In this scenario of using around many accounts, It's difficult to remember about each account and its password. This is where a password manager comes in handy.
What is a password manager?
A password manager is a computer program that allows users to store, generate, and manage their passwords for local applications and online services. A password manager assists in generating and retrieving complex passwords, storing such passwords in an encrypted database, or calculating them on demand.
In short,
- When you are using a password manager, you need to remember only a single password which will be your master password.
- But each of your accounts will be having unique passwords
- You don't need to enter them manually
- And so on...
So these are some of the services you can find. Most of these have a free plan and a paid one.
- Bitwarden (Opensource)
- Dashlane
- 1password
- etc.
When it comes to people (including myself), we always have a pattern of doing things. It's not so different in the case of passwords. All the passwords you are using should be unique. It has a huge impact when it comes to data breaches and other security issues. So, if you are breached, you only need to change the password for the account that has been breached.